Check out Dr. Mhiripiri-Reed's Back-to-School message for Hopkins families and staff!
Glen Lake Elementary is a K-5 school within the Hopkins Public Schools District, located in the city of Minnetonka. Our students are learning through exploration and real-life experiences. In the Glen Lake Go! program, your child will participate in 8-10 experiences and field trips each school year bringing learning to life and meeting their academic, emotional, and social needs.
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Glen Lake News
Find important open house and playground night dates for your child's school.
Prepare for back-to-school with information about start times, school supplies, transportation, lunches, etc.
In order to provide all of this to our students and position them for success in the world, we must also have schools where each student feels safe and secure. I want to share what we have done and will do to ensure safe and secure conditions for all students.
Jensen competed with candidates across the state of Minnesota to receive the high honor.
The Hopkins Park Marching Band will be performing at an event near you this summer! The Hopkins and St. Louis Park marching bands have teamed up to perform music at a variety of parades and festivals.