
All events are organized and run by family volunteers. Become a part of Glen Lake today!

Get involved as a family volunteer or PTO Member! All families with students at Glen Lake are members of the PTO and are welcome at PTO meetings and events.

If you have questions or would like more information, please contact the PTO at GlenLakeGrizzliesPTO@gmail.com

Please visit our PTO site for more information on upcoming events and volunteer opportunities and to buy Glen Lake merchandise: GlenLakePTO.org

PTO Officers:
President: Eric Lovestrand
Vice President: Audrey Leicher
Treasurer: Sara Lazorik
Secretary: Kelly Nakamitsu
Auditor: Rachel Klick

Board Members at Large:
Angie Ramsperger
Arin Olson
Becky Wolf
Dani Hoffman
Denise Jorgensen
Emily Olson
Frederique le Blanc
Jeff Radel
Jessica Gilbertson
Jessie Jacobson
Katie Anderson
Kristy Taran

Parent Teacher Organization (PTO)